The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data
June 1, 2015
Supported by Statistical Modelling Society (SMS)
Accredited by International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)

The introductory course on Compositional Data, provides an introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of the statistical analysis of compositional data, as well as an informal discussion forum on more advanced modelling topics.

This course will present the current state of the art in this field of active research and will cover the following topics:

- Hypothesis underlying statistical data analysis (sample space, scale).
- The Aitchison geometry of the simplex.
- Coordinate representation; distributions on the simplex.
- Exploratory analysis (centering, variation array, biplot, balances-dendrogram).

It is recommended that attendants have undergone some first semester courses on statistics. Basic knowledge about multivariate statistics are also very handy. Exercises are mainly done with freeware CoDaPack ( Other interesting tools are the packages zCompositions, compositions and robCompositions from the open source statistical environment R. Attendants are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptops for practicals with all the software previously installed. If some assistant is unable to bring any laptop or have troubles to install such software, please contact the organization.

Language of the course: English
Schedule: June 1 (9h-13:30h + lunch time + 15h-19:30h)
Location: Nieves Mar Hotel, L'Escala (Girona, Spain)
Registration: Fill in the form from Registration menu.
Certificate: Attendance certificate will be provided.

There are limited places on the course and participants to the workshop will take preference.