
There will be special awards to:

  1. Best young oral contribution (< 35 years old lead contributor).
  2. Best general oral contribution.
  3. Best poster contribution.

The first two will be decided by votation by the Scientific Committee. Works presented at the rapid-fire talks session are also included here.

The third will be decided by popular vote. The posters will be numbered and each delegate can choose which are the best 5 posters in their opinion through the QR code available on their conference badge.

The awards ceremony will take place during the closing session.


The official Book of Abstracts published in electronic format can be downloaded from:

Book of Abstracts

Note that all abstracts are considered equally, regardless of the nature of the presentation.

Journal publication of selected papers

The following journals have agreed to accommodate a number of selected papers derived from the contributions presented at CoDaWork2024. See the links below for more details (i.e., Important dates!).

  • ▸ The Austrian Journal of Statistics ( has agreed to published a Special Issue consisting of a selection of extended contributions from CoDaWork2024. Guest editors: Karel Hron and Glòria Mateu-Figueras.
    See details
  • ▸ Statistical Methods and Applications ( has agreed to dedicate a Special Section within a regular issue of the journal to a selection of extended contributions from CoDaWork 2024. Guest editors: Gianna Monti and Javier Palarea-Albaladejo.
    See details

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