Instructions for presentations

Please be mindful of using small fonts and images or graphs, too small sizes should be avoided to facilitate readability at certain distance.

Oral contributions

Oral presentation slots consist of 15-minute talk + 5-min for questions. We ask for all speakers to please respect this time limit. For this reason, we strongly recommend a maximum of 15 slides per presentation.

The aspect ratio of the slides should be 4:3. Although other common file formats can be used, we strongly suggest to provide your presentation in PDF format.

Please name the file starting with order of presentation according to the schedule and your surname. For example, 02_Smith_XXX.

It is encouraged that the presentations be submitted beforehand, by the 31st of May 2024, to

On the day of the presentation, speakers must head to the conference room and contact the Chair of the session to provide the file, if not done yet, and get prepared about 10 minutes in advance of the start.

Presenters will be warned of time left during their presentation, typically 5 and 1 minutes before reaching the 15-minutes time allocation.

Rapid-fire talks

Presenters will have up to 5 minutes for their presentation (there will not be any time for questions/discussion). We advise that the maximum number of slides for this length of talk is 4 slides (plus any title slide).

The aspect ratio of the slides should be 4:3. Although other common file formats can be used, we strongly suggest to provide your presentation in PDF format.

Please name the file starting with order of presentation according to the schedule and your surname. For example, 02_Smith_XXX.

It is encouraged that the presentations be submitted beforehand, by the 31st of May 2024, to

On the day of the presentation, speakers must head to the conference room and contact the Chair of the session to provide the file, if not done yet, and get prepared about 10 minutes in advance of the start.

Presenters will be warned of time left during their presentation, typically 1 minute before reaching the 5-minutes time allocation.

Poster contributions

Posters must be designed in vertical orientation (DIN A0 = 84.1 × 118.9 cm maximum). Note that poster sessions will include brief introductions to the work presented by the author (up to 3 minutes, 1-minute left warning, no time for questions after the presentation).

On the day of the presentation, speakers must head to the posters area and contact the Chair of the session to get prepared about 10 minutes in advance of the start.

Regardless of the session, all posters should be put up on the first day (Tuesday 4th) at the designated space (to check with the organisation on arrival). This will also facilitate the public vote for the best poster award.

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